Friday, March 25, 2011

My Arizona Home

This weekend, hubby and I will be out exploring our new Florida home area so next week I'll post pictures of what we did.  Today, I'd thought I'd post a few pictures of my home in Arizona.  I'll post more at a later date.
Our daughters and son-in-laws are doing a good job looking after the place.
Maggie usually greets people in the foyer.

One thing I really miss, and can't have in the 5th wheel, is my piano!

Right now I'm missing having a big kitchen to cook in.

I'll also miss those family dinners.

But this is what I'm missing most of all - Joshua, 2, and Jacob, 3.


  1. Joshua and Jacob miss you too!

  2. Sure they are missing you too! Yep, had a few dinners myself at that table!!

  3. Your grandchildren are adorable!! I don't blame you for missing them!!
    Your Arizona home is gorgeous!! I love how you have it decorated!!
